-The Hindu Shortfall unlikely to impede agriculture, officials say. Amidst concerns that monsoon rains could fall short of “normal,” the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is reviewing its projections. Officials, however, told The Hindu that while July rains were less than expected, the shortfall was confined to the northeastern States of India and below-normal rains were unlikely to impede agriculture production. It’s expected to take a call before the weekend on whether to stick...
The missing 4,007,707 -Sanjib Baruah
-The Indian Express Can a democracy permit so many to be in a state of liminal legality? NRC poses a political and moral question The possibility — whether immediate or somewhat remote — that at the end of the process as many as 4 million people may lose their legal status as citizens should not be a cause of celebration in a democracy. Nor should it generate a mad rush among...
More »A balancing Act -RK Raghavan
-The Hindu Amendments to the Prevention of Corruption Act aim to limit overzealousness of enforcement agencies, but they raise Important concerns too It is unfortunate that India has not been able to shed the image of a highly corrupt nation even after seven decades of Independence. The average Indian believes that he cannot get even the basic services to which he is entitled under the law without greasing the palms of one...
More »David Barkin, Professor of Economics at the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Mexico City, interviewed by Kabir Agarwal (TheWire.in)
-TheWire.in Mexican economist David Barkin on India's neoliberal economics, growing inequalities, agrarian distress and more. David Barkin is Professor of Economics at the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Mexico City. He received his doctorate in economics from Yale University and was awarded the National Prize in Political Economics in 1979 for his analysis of inflation in Mexico. His research has focused on the development of an alternative to the capitalist economic model. In an...
More »Solving the mystery of missing employment data in the Indian economy -Himanshu
-Livemint.com The prime minister is partly right in the sense that the most authoritative data on employment-unemployment from the periodic NSSO were not available after 2011-12 In an interview given to Swarajya magazine earlier this month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lamented the lack of data on jobs in the country. This was in response to a question on why the economy is not creating jobs. The prime minister is partly right...
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