-The Hindu Chief Justice Dipak Misra says no third party has the right to harass a couple, in reference to honour killings Two adults are free to marry and “no third party” has a right to harass or cause harm to them, said Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra, speaking against honour killings on Monday. “When two people get into wedlock, no one should interfere. Neither parents, society, khap or panchayat... no one...
What the US Health Insurance Programme Can Teach India -Rama V Baru
-TheWire.in Why has India chosen the path of expanding medical insurance instead of a more comprehensive approach to health? The concern with rising inequities in access to medical care, rising out-of-pocket expenditures and unmet treatment needs have been addressed with yet another targeted medical insurance scheme for poor households. The idea of a targeted medical insurance is not new. Several southern states like Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka had introduced such schemes many...
More »How NDA compares with UPA on government workforce
-HowIndiaLives.com/ Livemint.com The number of government employees under UPA I fell 2.7% and under UPA II rose 3.4%. In the four years of NDA, their count is projected to increase 7.2% by 2017-18 For a government whose stated calling card is “minimum government, maximum governance”, for a government battling to create jobs, its own house paints another picture: in four years under this Bharatiya Janata Party-LED National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the number...
More »Why Budget 2018 is too late, too little for the rural economy -Himanshu
-Livemint.com While Budget 2018’s agriculture focus may not revive the rural economy, whether it fetches any votes for the Narendra Modi govt will only be known next year Since this was the last full budget of the Narendra Modi-LED government before the general elections next year, its contours were more or less known to everybody. The budget in that sense did not surprise. Given the tight fiscal situation, it was expected that...
More »'Pink' Economy Survey: Adverse sex ratio has LED to 'missing' of 63 million women in India
-PTI NEW DELHI: Breaking from past, the Economic Survey for 2017-18 was printed in pink colour as it waded into the problem of gender bias prevalent in India. Indian parents continue to have children until they get the desired number of sons, it said observing that the adverse sex ratio of females to males has LED to 63 million "missing" women. The pre-Budget annual document detailing state of economy was in the...
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