-The Hindu Tamil Nadu tops with inducements worth ₹446.28 crore recovered. The Election Commission on Friday said it had seized cash, liquor, drugs, precious metals and other freebies worth ₹1,001.43 crore meant for distribution to voters in the ongoing Assembly elections. “Seizures crossed ₹1,000 crore for the first time in any Assembly electoral process,” the EC said in a statement. Of the total seizures as on Thursday in Assam, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West...
Migrant workers vulnerable again, say activists -Damini Nath
-The Hindu A year after lakhs of workers made their way back to their home States after the nationwide lockdown was announced in March 2020, their condition has not changed much. With State governments announcing lockdowns and curfews in the wake of rising COVID-19 cases, migrant workers could once again be staring at loss of wages and lack of social protections, labour union leaders and activists said on Thursday. A year after lakhs...
More »No annuity rider, NPS subscribers get ₹5 lakh exit option
-The Hindu Admitting that annuities now fetch paltry pensions, regulator says investors can withdraw the corpus The National Pension System (NPS) will no longer compel investors to convert 40% of their accumulated retirement corpus into an annuity, as poor yields on annuities and high inflation are translating into negative returns, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Chairman, Supratim Bandyopadhyay, said on Thursday. The regulator will issue fresh rules to soon allow...
More »India reports nearly 2 lakh fresh COVID-19 cases, over 1000 deaths on April 14, 2021
-The Hindu Maharashtra, Delhi, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat saw the most fatalities India registered 1,99,376 new COVID-19 cases on April 14. As many as 1,037 deaths were also recorded on the day as of data updated at 12.24 a.m. IST on April 15. The figures do not include cases and deaths from Ladakh. The data is sourced from covid19india.org, an independent aggregator of daily COVID-19 figures. Over 14.11 lakh tests were conducted on April 13....
More »Care economy: Why India must recognise and invest in care work -Mitali Nikore
-The Indian Express Building infrastructure and services, including pre-primary education, maternity, disability and sickness benefits, and long-term care, will help ensure that India’s post-COVID recovery is equitable and gender-inclusive. The Cambridge Dictionary defines “infrastructure” as “the basic systems and services that are needed in order to support an economy.” Traditionally, infrastructure has been understood and interpreted to mean physical, immovable assets, primarily in the energy, transport, telecommunications and water sectors. Over the last...
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