-The Hindu With her passing, Indian feminism has lost one of its earliest icons Three years ago, almost to the day, when we launched Vina Mazumdar's memoir, Memories of a Rolling Stone, the room at the Habitat Centre in Delhi was packed to overflowing. Resplendent in her beautiful silk, Vinadi, as she was known to everyone around her, smiled her way through the evening as bureaucrats, academics, politicians, educationists, feminists and others...
Argumentative Indians are at it again! After sparring over the poverty line and the actual number of poor, India's renowned economists have fired up a fresh debate over the extent of malnutrition. In the earlier debate, the Planning Commission ‘reduced' poverty on paper disregarding NSSO and official committees, including the NCEUS, which determined that 77% Indians survived on less than Rs 20 a day. Columbia university economist Arvind Panagariya has...
More »Aam Aadmi Party declares list of shortlisted candidates for 12 seats-Mohammad Ali
-The Hindu Final list to be decided after consultation with the grass-root workers of the respective areas Taking a lead over all the mainstream political parties, the Aam Aadmi Party on Friday announced its list of 44 shortlisted candidates for 12 constituencies for the Delhi Assembly elections scheduled later this year . The party had invited applications from Delhiites for candidature over a month ago. While releasing the list, AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal...
More »From Bofors to 2G, the same fate-Arun Kumar
-The Hindu The parliamentary committees on the howitzer scam and the stock market scandal protected the powerful and failed to fix accountability. The same is true in the spectrum case The current political situation brings back memories of 1989. The Prime Minister then was under a cloud in the Bofors scam. Many of his close associates like Lalit Suri and Ajitabh Bachchan were accused of wrong-doing. Today, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and...
More »Don’t play Politics with cooperative societies, Supreme Court warns States-J Venkatesan
-The Hindu Supersession only in exceptional circumstances, not for extraneous considerations The Supreme Court on Thursday decried the tendency of State governments superseding elected cooperative societies for political or extraneous reasons. "Supersession of an elected managing committee/board is an exception and [can] be resorted to only in exceptional circumstances," said a Bench of Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and Dipak Misra. Sending a warning to the States, the Bench imposed Rs. 1 lakh in costs...
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