-PTI Castigates the company for fraudulent practices in winning an aided project in Tamil Nadu The World Bank has barred Larsen & Toubro (L&T) from doing any business with it or the projects funded by it for six months, after finding that a senior executive of the conglomerate has indulged in fraud. The debarment will continue till September 6, making L&T ineligible for being awarded contracts for any World Bank-funded projects, from receiving...
A rough guide to India’s Food Security Bill
Introduced in the Lok Sabha in December 2011, the UPA government’s Food Security Bill is finally going to be discussed in the current (Budget) Session of Parliament. The proposed legislation is now slated to see many additional amendments from the government, following criticism from the States, NGOs and diverse stake-holders working on access to food and child health. Attempt here is to summarise in a Q & A format the...
More »CAG pulls up WCD ministry for diversion of ICDS fund
-PTI State governments have irregularly diverted funds aggregating to Rs 57.82 crore from the central government's flagship Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) to activities not permitted under the programme, a CAG audit has found. In its report on the ICDS for 2012-13, tabled in the Parliament today, the CAG criticised the ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) for "inadequacy" in monitoring systems under the scheme to combat child malnutrition. The report said...
More »Around 80% of sewage in Indian cities flows into water systems
-The Times of India Is urban India drowning in its own excreta? Nearly 80% of the sewage generated in India flows untreated into its rivers, lakes and ponds, turning the water sources too polluted to use. The end result: groundwater in almost the entire country has nitrate levels higher than the prescribed levels - a result of sewage leaching into India's groundwater aquifers. These grave figures were revealed at a meeting of...
More »US to give 'Women of Courage Award' to Delhi gangrape victim
-PTI Washington: United States has selected the 23-year-old Delhi gangrape victim for the International Women of Courage Award. The award would be presented posthumously by the First Lady Michelle Obama and the Secretary of State John Kerry, on March 8, an official announcement said yesterday. "For millions of Indian women, her personal ordeal, perseverance to fight for justice, and her family's continued bravery is helping to lift the stigma and vulnerability that drive...
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