In an interview to The Hindu, he says Internet companies left him with no choice Kapil Sibal, the Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology, has defended his demand that global internet companies block some content from sites they operate, saying he had been left with no choice after the companies refused to delete incendiary hate-speech published on their social-networking websites. In an exclusive interview to The Hindu, Mr. Sibal said Facebook,...
GR Sofi, first Chief Information Commissioner of SIC (J&K) talks to Greater Kashmir Team
THE FIRST CHIEF INFORMATION COMMISSIONER (CIC) OF STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION (SIC) G R SOFI, TALKS ABOUT THE RTI ACT AND HOW THE COMMISSION IS WORKING TO ACHIEVE ITS GOALS IN A CONVERSATION WITH GREATER KASHMIR TEAM. HERE ARE THE EXCERPTS. Rajeev Sharma: Do you think the present legislation is enough to achieve the objectives that it is supposed to? G R Sofi: Last month I was in Delhi to attend an annual...
More »Govt faceoff brewing with Facebook, others
-The Times of India Tension is brewing once again between the government and internet and social media companies over the telecom and IT ministry's demands to screen user content and remove offensive material before it is uploaded. Sources said over the last three months the government has been in talks with these firms to put in place a monitoring mechanism. On Monday, telecom & IT minister Kapil Sibal met executives from the...
More »Business asks farmers to speak up against FDI ‘false drama’
-The Telegraph Two prominent leaders of India Inc have slammed the way Parliament has virtually been locked down by “misconceived and unfortunate” protests against foreign investment in retail — a decision they termed “an essential part of India’s growth story”. The concerns and an appeal to farmers, consumers and common people have been flagged in an open letter by Ashok Ganguly and Deepak Parekh. Ganguly, a Rajya Sabha MP, is a former...
More »Congress goes back on inclusion of Group C employees in Lokpal Bill by Smita Gupta
It also goes back on new method of appointment of CBI Director A day after the Parliamentary Standing Committee attached to the Union Ministry of Personnel finalised its report on the Lokpal Bill, Congress MPs forced the holding of an emergency meeting on Thursday to go back on two key decisions taken on Wednesday: the ruling party MPs on the Standing Committee have now withdrawn the assent they had given to...
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