-The Times of India The CBI on Tuesday named former Gujarat minister of state for home Amit Shah and over half a dozen IPS officers, including former CID (crime) chief OP Mathur, as accused in the Tulsiram Prajapati fake encounter case of 2006. They were among the 20 people named in the CBI chargesheet. Considered to be one of the favourite cops of chief minister Narendra Modi, Mathur and former state police...
Police raid publisher for selling book critical of Didi
-The Hindustan Times West Bengal Police have raided the office of a leading publisher and instructed him not to sell a book critical of chief minister Mamata Banerjee and the state government. Incidentally, the book has been written by Nazrul Islam, additional director general (training) of WB police. The IPS officer’s book titled Musalmander Koronio (What Muslims Should Do) was released by Mitra and Ghosh Publishers about a week ago and discusses the...
More »Let the healing begin -Harsh Mander
-The Hindustan Times As news filtered in of extended life sentences for 31 persons for the brutal slaughter 10 years ago in Naroda Patiya, a working-class suburb of Ahmedabad, my eyes clouded over. I remembered my first meetings with the traumatised survivors of the massacre in the crowded relief camps in the city, a full decade earlier. I was heartsick and stunned by their stories of incredible cruelty. I wondered if...
More »Mamata bans IPS officer’s book critical of her Muslim policy
-The Indian Express The Mamata Banerjee-led government in West Bengal has banned controversial IPS officer Nazrul Islam’s book, Musalmander Ki Karaniya (What Muslims Should Do), in which he has highlighted the alleged plight of Muslims in the state and the “double standard” of the present government in “improving” their condition. The book, which was released a month ago, has been published by Kolkata-based publisher Mitra and Ghosh. On Saturday, officials from the Enforcement...
More »Partha S Bhattacharya, Chairman and managing director of Coal India Ltd (CIL) during 2006-2011 interviewed by Arindam Mukherjee
-Outlook Partha S. Bhattacharya, who was the chairman and managing director of Coal India Ltd (CIL) between 2006 and 2011, is credited with turning around the PSU. He spoke to Arindam Mukherjee on the heat and dust generated by the CAG report on allocation of coal blocks to private players. Excerpts: * Should the government allow the private sector into coal mining? There is plenty of coal for everyone. We are, at the...
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