-The Hindu Fresh documents with The Hindu show clear and undeniable links between the sudden transfer of senior IAS official Ashok Khemka and his initiation of a probe specifically related to Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra and his companies, contrary to the Haryana government attempts to establish that the two events were unrelated. The documents belie the claims made by the Haryana government that Mr. Khemka acted on the Vadra-DLF...
Kejriwal targets Gadkari -Gargi Parsai
-The Hindu "Collusion with Ajit Pawar to get Vidarbha land for his NGO" Training its guns on the Bharatiya Janata Party, India Against Corruption (IAC) on Wednesday alleged that the party president Nitin Gadkari took undue favours from the Maharashtra government in allotment of land acquired from Vidarbha farmers for a “public purpose.” For their generations-old land the farmers were compensated with a paltry sum of Rs. 5,000 per acre in 1981-82. Addressing...
More »Delhi, Mumbai far from being world class cities, says UN -Dipak Kumar Dash
-The Times of India India's two top metros, Mumbai and Delhi, still lack what it takes to be world class cities. In a United Nations report on world's cities, India's financial capital ranked 52 among 95 cities while the political capital came in 58th. The State of World's Cities report released by UN Habitat on Wednesday, ranked cities on five parameters of "prosperity". While Shanghai, Beijing and Bangkok were all ranked higher...
More »Chavan Authorised to Decide on Additional LPG Cylinders
-Outlook Mumbai: The Congress-NCP co-ordination committee in Maharashtra today authorised Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan to take decision on increasing the cap on subsidised LPG cylinders from six to nine. NCP state president Madhukar Pichad told PTI after the meeting of the committee that the issue of providing three additional subsidised cylinders was discussed. "We have decided that the proposal will be put before the Cabinet and decision will be taken at the...
More »Aruna Roy and Nikhil Dey, RTI activists interviewed by Vidya Subrahmaniam
-The Hindu A recent Supreme Court judgment and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s openly expressed views in favour of privacy have raised concerns that attempts are being made to dilute the spirit of the RTI Act and limit its use. Aruna Roy and Nikhil Dey, the RTI’s movement’s leading lights, share their worries with Vidya Subrahmaniam. * Seven years after its enactment, has the RTI Act even partially fulfilled its objectives? Has it...
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