One person in four worldwide paid bribe during the past year while 54 per cent Indians said they greased the palms of authorities to get things done, says a study released on Thursday to mark International Anti-Corruption Day."Corruption has increased over the last three years, say six out of 10 people around the world, and one in four people report paying bribes in the last year," the Berlin-based non-governmental agency,...
Scams deprive poor of health care, education: Pitroda
The Rs. 1.76 lakh-crore 2G spectrum scam has deprived the 400 million people below the poverty line (BPL) of their rightful share in healthcare and education, said Adviser to Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations Sam Pitroda.Addressing the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) convention here on Friday, Mr. Pitroda said freedom from poverty was not possible with scams siphoning off resources.Mr. Pitroda was conferred the INAE Lifetime...
More »Endosulfan used on expert advice: PCK
Affidavit before Kerala High CourtThe decision to conduct aerial spraying of Endosulfan over the cashew estates of the Plantation Corporation of Kerala (PCK) was taken on the basis of the recommendations of Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) and other institutions, according to an affidavit filed by the PCK before the Kerala High Court.In the affidavit, PCK Managing Director N.K. Manoj said the allegation that the aerial spraying of the insecticide was...
More »Panel suggests stringent punishment for torture by Gargi Parsai
The Select Committee on the Prevention of Torture Bill, 2010 has recommended stringent punishment for acts of torture by a public servant, including life imprisonment and death sentence for death caused by torture in custody.The Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha in May but was referred to a Rajya Sabha Select Committee following concerns over certain inadequacies in the draft legislation.Chairman of the Select Committee Ashwini Kumar told journalists...
More »Bill on sexual harassment at workplace introduced in Lok Sabha
The government on Tuesday introduced in the Lok Sabha a bill aimed at preventing sexual harassment of women at workplace in various forms, including implied or overt promise of preferential treatment or threat or interference in her work through intimidation. The Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill, 2010, provides for mandatory setting up an internal committee by a company or any other institute to probe a written...
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