-CNN-IBN Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has condemned the anti-Hindi agitation cartoon and demanded its immediate removal, saying that projecting the anti-Hindi agitation as "violence" is simply unacceptable. She also said that the cartoon suggesting that Tamil students did not understand English hurt Tamil sentiment. There has been a row in Tamil Nadu against a cartoon on the anti-Hindi agitation of 1965, featured in the NCERT textbooks. "Projecting anti-Hindi agitation as...
As Grain Piles Up, India’s Poor Still Go Hungry-Vikas Bajaj
RANWAN, India — In this north Indian village, workers recently dismantled stacks of burned and mildewed rice while flies swarmed nearby over spoiled wheat. Local residents said the rice crop had been sitting along the side of a highway for several years and was now being sent to a distillery to be turned into liquor. Just 180 miles to the south, in a slum on the outskirts of New Delhi, Leela...
More »Centre vouches for safety of Kudankulam project
-The Hindu Says it is well protected from tsunami or other natural disasters The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project is well protected from tsunami or other natural disasters, the Centre submitted before the Madras High Court on Tuesday. It made the submission while the First Bench of Chief Justice M.Y. Eqbal and Justice T.S. Sivagnanam was hearing a batch of petitions seeking various reliefs, including a direction to the Union government and others to...
More »“Regional parties in T.N., a good example of compatibility of regionalism and nationalism”
-The Hindu The following is an extract from the NCERT's political science (Class XII) textbook that has sparked a controversy due to a cartoon depicting the anti-Hindi agitation of 1965. (According to Yogendra Yadav, former chief adviser to the NCERT on the preparation of the textbook, a reading of the text accompanying the cartoon would show that the chapter was not aimed at denigrating the anti-Hindi agitation, but was actually a...
More »Rural job scheme gets hi-tech makeover in Tamil Nadu-R Vasundara
CHENNAI: Government officials in Tamil Nadu can now sit in their air-conditioned offices and keep tabs on clogged up water bodies and channels in remote villages using satellite technology. Criticized by many for corruption and inefficiency, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has been given a scientific make-over in the state with GIS (geographic information system) mapping being used to organize the works as well as to...
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