-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Monday directed that all criminal cases against the agitators opposing the Kudankulam nuclear plant be withdrawn to restore normalcy in the area. Giving a series of directions, a Bench of Justices K. S. Radhakrishnan and Dipak Misra said: "Endeavour should be made to withdraw all the criminal cases filed against the agitators so that peace and normalcy be restored at Kudankulam and nearby places, and steps...
Govt seeks to start health education as graded subject in schools -Vidya Krishnan and Prashant K Nanda
-Live Mint Move part of strategy to counter growing incidence of non-communicable diseases; course to be part of 2014 academic curriculum Concerned by the growing incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCD), the government wants to introduce a new, graded subject in school focusing on health education in classes IV to X. The course will be a part of 2014's academic curriculum and is being designed by the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare...
More »Superstitions wash out sanitation here-MK Ananth
-The Hindu Toilets are yet to be considered an integral part of houses in rural areas of Namakkal Namakkal: Superstitious beliefs, religious sentiments and vasthu shastra are making construction of toilets in rural areas of Namakkal district in Tamil Nadu an uphill task. P. Aruna (32) and her husband Periyasamy (45), a truck driver of Parali panchayat, stopped constructing a toilet and filled up the leach pit with debris. "An astrologer came to...
More »Everyone loves food security -Sunil Jain
-The Indian Express The Congress's bill could end up sponsoring the NDA's campaigns A good thing about the logjam in Parliament, it has to be said, is that it has prevented the ill-advised food security bill from being passed. It would, though, be naive on our part to presume the BJP stalled Parliament - the Congress's blatant abuse of the CBI process was a big reason for this - only because it...
More »Political parties use RTI to take on rivals -Nidhi Sharma
-The Economic Times The Right to Information is no more an aid for the common man. It is fast becoming a potent political tool. Congress has made it its weapon of choice to take on the state governments in Odisha, UP and Punjab while BJP fought its land acquisition battle in Noida last year armed with information collected fromRTI applications. It isn't the Opposition parties alone that politicians gun for. Congress...
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