-Hindustan Times Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched the Mudra bank which will provide loans of up to Rs 10 lakh to small entrepreneurs including shopkeepers and beauty parlour owners, hoping that it will promote growth and create jobs. Short for Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Bank, the financial institution will act as a regulator for micro-finance institutions (MFIs). Mudra Bank will have a corpus of Rs 20,000 crore, Modi said...
Public funds to push neoliberal agenda -CP Chandrasekhar
-Frontline.in The Modi government has apparently realised that the private sector is not up to the task of driving growth. It hopes to fund its neoliberal dream of India becoming the fastest-growing emerging market through a combination of off-Budget borrowing and drastic expenditure reduction in key social sectors. IT will soon be a year since the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office at the Centre....
More »Targeted lending to farmers a must -Gopa Kumaran Nair and Nirupam Mehrotra
-The Financial Express In a column in The Financial Express, ("Time to tweak priority-sector lending", goo.gl/6O8AOL, February 6), the author made a case for "tweaking" priority-sector lending (PSL) norms which largely stipulate that the commercial banks direct credit towards certain vulnerable sectors and target population. Specifically, the article argued for revisiting the sectoral targets and cited a reduction in the share of agriculture sector in GDP as a valid reason...
More »So Richie Rich? Have Another One On Us -P Sainath
-Outlook Corporate karza maafi reaches new heights, social spending new lows This year's budget write-off in customs duty on gold, diamonds and jewellery (all aam aadmi items, of course) is Rs 75,592 crore. That's well over twice the "record" amount allocated to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. As Prof Jayati Ghosh points out, the MNREGA has given billions of person-days of work to tens of millions of poor...
More »Unused priority sector lending funds to be diverted to MUDRA Bank -Surabhi
-The Indian Express Unused priority sector lending funds of commercial banks will be used to set up the Rs 20,000 crore corpus of the proposed MUDRA Bank. The bank will use at least 65 per cent of its funds for lending to micro enterprises run by members of scheduled castes and tribes. Typically, domestic commercial banks deposit their lending shortfall from priority sector to the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund of the NABARD...
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