-The Times of India CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu government has launched a major initiative to promote dry land farming in cluster mode, focusing on improving production and productivity of millets, pulses and oilseeds in rain-fed agricultural fields, which remain by and large unused. The scheme, rolled out through a government order on January 27 is worth Rs 803 crore and aims at water conservation, promoting mixed farming, mini-dairy and poultry units to...
Jallikattu not enough to keep away foreign breeds -Saranya Chakrapani
-The Times of India For the state government, the protection and preservation of indigenous bulls is not a swift goal formed out of the jallikattu row, but a mandate under Article 48 of the Constitution of India. In the last few weeks, an argument that has repeatedly articulated itself is that the ban on jallikattu will decimate Tamil Nadu's indigenous cattle breeds. However, jallikattu is just one of the determining factors...
More »Subsidy to farmers is misfiring, finds study -Mihika Basu
-Bangalore Mirror ICAR researchers say subsidised electricity benefitting only medium and large farmers Stating that the policy decision to provide free or subsidised electricity has been a key driver for widespread groundwater exploitation, estimates by ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and water conservation, Research Centre, Ballari, reveal that in Karnataka, groundwater depletion has forced farmers to drill up to depths of 200 to 300 metres, costing about Rs 2.5-3 lakh for a successful...
More »Why Anupam Mishra was our water guru -Umesh Anand
-CivilSocietyOnline.com The thirteenth anniversary issue of Civil Society with the Hall of Fame 2016 was out from the press and I had gone to Anupam Mishra’s home to give him a copy. He looked at the picture of Uncle Moosa on the cover and said: “Yeh aadmi apne chhote kaam se kitna kush hai. Iska kurta bhi khush hai!” It was Anupam Mishra’s trademark humour, delivered with his customary mellifluous touch. But...
More »Less than 5% of tribals' forest rights "recognized" in India, no mechanism to ensure land ownership to women -Asavari Sharma and Gaurav Madan
-CounterView.net A new report, “Promise and Performance – Ten Years of the Forest Rights Act (FRA)”, released at a recent national convention in Delhi, has revealed that less than 5% of rights out of a total of over 200 million tribals and other traditional forest dwellers for about 34.6 million hectares (ha) in India has been so far recognized. The report, released as part of the Community Forest Rights Learning and Advocacy...
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