A young IPS officer was crushed to death by the mining mafia in Madhya Pradesh's Morena district, over 450 km from here, on Thursday. Narendra Kumar, 30, who was posted as a Sub-Divisional Police Officer at Banmore in Morena on probation, tried to stop a tractor carrying illegally quarried stones but the driver ran over him, DIG Chambal range D.P. Gupta was quoted in the press as saying. Mr. Kumar...
Indian police officer dies during illegal mining probe
-BBC A senior Indian police officer has been run over and killed by a vehicle carrying illegally quarried stones in northern Madhya Pradesh state, police said. Narendra Kumar Singh, 30, tried to stop a tractor carrying the stones, but the driver ran him over. The driver of the vehicle, Manoj Gurjar, has been Arrested and charged with murder. Police suspect the involvement of a local mining mafia in the incident. Senior police official DP Gupta...
More »IPS officer crushed to death by mining mafia in Madhya Pradesh by Suchandana Gupta
In a horrific incident, a young IPS officer of the 2009 batch, Narendra Kumar, was brutally crushed to death under a stone-laden tractor trolley belonging to the illegal mining mafia. The incident happened on Thursday in broad daylight in the presence of eyewitnesses and Kumar's team of policemen. Kumar (30) was posted as SDOP (sub-divisional police officer), Banmur, in the Chambal district of Morena, Madhya Pradesh, early this year. The ghastly...
More »People sell kidneys to beat starvation in West Bengal village by Subhro Maitra
BINDOL (NORTH DIANJPUR): In these arid, impoverished parts, Bindol has another name - kidney village. The wasted, skeletal men and women you would see slumped under the shade of trees are awaiting death with feeble breaths. This is the kidney sale capital of the state, perhaps of the country. Every second home here has someone who has sold his kidney to escape starvation. Many die within years. Now, the dying men...
More »‘Are they after him because he writes in Urdu?’-Seema Chishti
There is surprise and disquiet in the Urdu journalistic fraternity over the Arrest of Mohammed Ahmad Kazmi for his alleged role in the attack on the Israeli diplomat. From a village on the Ghaziabad-Meerut border, Kazmi had a variety of journalistic assignments that included a weekly column and the morning news bulletin on DD Urdu. Since 2002, he also helped as a volunteer teacher of English to underprivileged Class XII students...
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