-The Indian Express A video surfaced on social media, which shows a cook at the Salai Banwa Primary School in Kota village boiling water in a large aluminum container before adding milk from a one-litre tetra pack. In Uttar Pradesh’s Sonbhadra district, a bucket of water was allegedly mixed in one litre of milk to feed around 81 students at a local school as part of the mid-day meal programme on...
Civil society criticizes the passage of 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)' Bill in its current form
-Press release by National Alliance of Peoples' Movements dated 28 November, 2019 In yet another of its egregious legislative misadventures, the BJP Government with support from some other parties, passed the regressive 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)' Bill, in the Rajya Sabha yesterday, despite wide-spread opposition by members of the transgender, intersex and gender non-confirming communities, seeking referral of the Bill to a Select Committee. We have all been witness to...
More »The NRC is part of the BJP's attempt to redefine India's identity
-The Telegraph The Opposition’s feebleness at this moment of crisis for our secular, democratic founding principles is deeply worrying Once the chariot starts rolling, it is difficult to stop it. The Union home minister’s announcement in Parliament last week that the National Register of Citizens will be carried out throughout the country, including Assam in the ‘natural course of events’, rang with the confidence of a rolling chariot that can ignore all...
More »Bad loans under Mudra Kishore jump 107% in six months -Shyamlal Yadav
-The Indian Express 12 PSU Banks data reveal smallest ticket size Shishu loans fare best. New Delhi: THE number and value of bad loan accounts in the Kishore category of the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) for a dozen public sector Banks including State Bank of India, Canara Bank and Bank of Baroda, have jumped 107 per cent and 71 per cent, respectively, as on September 30, 2019 compared with March...
More »Indians are getting sick mostly due to infections: NSSO report -Banjot Kaur
-Down to Earth Treatment of cardiovascular diseases cost a bomb in rural India Among all ailments, it is infections that are making Indians the most sick. And, this is true for both, rural and urBan areas, according to latest study of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). These infections include malaria, viral hepatitis / jaundice, acute diarrhoeal diseases / dysentery, dengue fever, chikungunya, measles, acute encephalitis syndrome, typhoid, hookworm infection filariasis, tuberculosis and...
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