-The Hindu The ambitious and controversial Unique ID scheme — Aadhaar — received a double boost in this year's budget: not only did Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee sanction Rs. 1,758 crore to enrol 40 crore more residents, but Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also emphasised that the scheme would soon become the main channel through which people could access a wide variety of budget benefits. “I propose to allocate adequate funds to complete...
India faces rising labour force, inequality-Prashant K Nanda
Sounding a note of caution, the Economic Survey has stressed that for “growth to be inclusive” India must create adequate employment opportunities—a call that underlines existing inequality, including urban-rural income disparity, and concern that it may increase as more young people enter the job market. While India’s unemployment rate has dropped from 8.2% in 2004-05 to 6.6% in 2009-10, the number of jobless is still huge in absolute terms. The...
More »Economic survey 2011-12: Extend rural job scheme to urban areas
-IANS Calling for effective measures to improve the efficiency of social sector programmes, the Economic Survey for 2011-12 has suggested extending the government's ambitious rural jobs scheme to urban areas, strengthening panchayati raj institutions (PRIs) and skill improvement for enhanced employability. The survey, which was presented by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in parliament Thursday, said that programmes like Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) have been instrumental in creating employment...
More »Nagaland receives Rs 600 crore under MGNREGA
-PTI Nagaland's rural development departmenthas so far received over Rs 600 crore for implementation of flagship rural employment guarantee programme during the current year. Nearly Rs 574 crore had been received as central assistance and Rs 27.35 crore as state matching share under the rural employment scheme so far during the current year, Parliamentary Secretary for rural development Pangnyu Phom informed the house today. Stating that there were nearly 3.69 lakh job card...
More »MGNREGA led to double digit growth in wages annually, exceeding rate of inflation
-The Pioneer Hitting at UPA’s biggest flagship scheme Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), Agriculture Ministry has criticised the scheme in it’s first ever Agriculture Survey saying that MGNREGA has led to double digit growth in wages annually in the last few years even exceeding the rate of inflation that prevailed during this period. The Agriculture Survey is compiled by the Agriculture Ministry as a precursor to Union Budget on...
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