-The Indian Express Ahead of the panchayat polls, Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has declared his and his ministerial colleagues’ assets. With movable and immovable properties worth Rs 11.99 crore, Patnaik is the richest among all his ministerial colleagues. The assets were posted on the CM office web site Friday night. Patnaik was followed by Doon School mate AU Singh Deo, who had properties worth Rs 4.8 crore. Urban Development Minister Sarda Prasad...
Irom Sharmila's fast enters 12th year by Iboyaima Laithangbam
‘Government afraid of civil society groups' Irom Sharmila, whose fast will enter the 12th year on Saturday, was produced on Friday in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Imphal East, on the completion of her one-year detention. The law under which she is detained permits the authority to detain her for one year at one go. As she refused to break her world-record fast she was remanded in judicial custody for...
More »Digging holes
-The Economist A maverick minister lays into a hallowed programme IT LOOKS like risky politics for Jairam Ramesh, who runs India’s biggest civilian ministry, in charge of rural development, to lash out at his own government’s flagship welfare scheme. Mr Ramesh, who got his cabinet post in July, has sparked a row in the past week over corruption and poor results within a public programme that guarantees 100 days of paid work...
More »1984 and the violence of memory by Ravinder Kaur
We must not allow the pain and suffering of the Sikh victims to be transformed into a political instrument to mute calls for justice for the ‘other' victims of similarly orchestrated massacres. More than a quarter century on, not much remains of ‘1984' — shorthand for one of the largest pogroms in India's postcolonial history when thousands of Sikhs were massacred in retribution for Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's assassination — in...
More »Kashmir: why AFSPA must go
-The Hindu More than 23 years after the bombing that signalled the beginning of the murderous insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir, India's strategic establishment is demonstrating a curious unwillingness to grasp the fact that the war to restore peace has been won. Ever since 2009, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has been advocating the withdrawal of the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act from parts of the State, as a first step towards...
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