-The Hindu The U.S. has said it is monitoring the events related with Anna Hazare, and is confident that India would be able to address the challenge within democratic means. State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, said the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi was monitoring the situation there. “Our Embassy has been monitoring the situation, and I think they have been saying the same thing in Delhi that we’ve been saying here with regard...
Ambedkar's way & Anna Hazare's methods by Sukhadeo Thorat
A group of people, with placards showing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, staged a demonstration in Delhi a few days ago against Anna Hazare's proposals on the Lokpal and the methods used by his team. More often than not, Dalits look with suspicion on any attempt to tamper with the Constitution. Team Anna has, however, suggested that its Lokpal bill would benefit Dalits more than anyone else. This led me to look...
More »Anna and a govt at sea by Arati R Jerath
Gandhi, JP, VP. . . Anna is being compared to many stalwarts. But is this gummy old man tilting at windmills or is he a genuine harbinger of change? When Arvind Kejriwal and his partners in 'India Against Corruption' brought Anna Hazare to Delhi as the face of their movement for a Jan Lokpal bill, they little imagined that this gummy old man from tiny Ralegaon Siddhi in Maharashtra would capture...
More »Can the hungry go on a Hunger strike? by Arundhati Roy
Our country is poised at a dangerous place right now for many reasons. There are all kinds of battles for supremacy. There are real resistances, there are theatrical and false resistances, revolutions from the top, revolutions from the bottom. And sometimes all of this is interpreted by an increasingly hysterical media which doesn't allow space for reflection, for thought, that will only bombard, control the public imagination. At times like this,...
More »Arundhati Roy blasts anti-corruption 'saint' Anna Hazare
-AFP Booker prize-winning author Arundhati Roy launched a scathing attack on Monday on the "aggressive nationalism" behind the anti-corruption drive led by Hunger-striking campaigner Anna Hazare. In a column entitled "I'd rather not be Anna" published in The Hindu newspaper, the novelist, essayist and rights activist condemned both the style and substance of Hazare's campaign that has mobilised public opinion in India. In particular she questioned Hazare's use of the Hunger strike and...
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