Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan on Tuesday announced a comprehensive package for relief and remediation of victims of the Endosulfan pesticide in the State. The package includes higher pensions, special education, housing, drinking water supply, rehabilitation, training and employment. Debt relief to the victims' families would also be considered. Mr. Achuthanandan made the announcement after a conference of officials, people's representatives and non-governmental organisations convened to discuss the plight of...
New UN guidelines unveiled to protect health workers from HIV and TB
United Nations agencies today launched new international guidelines aimed at helping to protect health workers who provide care to people infected with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) from becoming infected themselves in the course of their work. The guidelines, drafted by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), are designed to help doctors, nurses and midwives, pharmacists and laboratory technicians, as...
More »Malaria outbreak in Chhattisgarh by Aman Sethi
Epidemic declared in Rajnandgaon and Bilaspur districts; 10 dead in Bilaspur State health officials have confirmed the outbreak of a malaria epidemic in Chhattisgarh's Rajnandgaon and Bilaspur districts. While the neighbouring districts of Durg and Koriya have also reported a spurt in malaria cases, officials have embarked on a State-wide intervention programme to contain the disease. Health Secretary Vikas Sheel said 10 people had died of falciparum malaria in Bilaspur thus far,...
More »Exercise, healthy diet to combat diabetes
With the largest number of diabetes Patients in the world, India needs to promote a healthier lifestyle among its citizens if it has any chance of battling the disease, experts said Sunday. "Diabetes is either hereditary or lifestyle-related in our country. So now the need is to move away from the sedentary lifestyle," S.K. Wangnoo, senior consultant of endocrinology at the capital's Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, said in an Interview. According the World...
More »Global effort against TB bearing fruit, but success remains fragile – UN report
An estimated 41 million people have been cured of tuberculosis (TB) over the past 15 years through a treatment strategy recommended by the United Nations health agency, according to a new report, but success remains fragile and governments must strengthen their determination to combat the disease. “With 1.7 million people dying from tuberculosis last year – including 380,000 women, many of whom were young mothers – these successes are far too...
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