West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday threatened to bring her anger to the streets of New Delhi and launch an agitation in the capital if the Centre didn't give in to her demand for a moratorium on debt repayment. In a rare and exclusive interview to TOI at the Writers' Buildings in Kolkata, the Trinamool Congress chief didn't once utter the words "threat" or "pullout", but her message was...
Hazare to meet Political parties for strong Lokayukta
-IANS As a precursor to the proposed state tour for a strong Lokayukta bill, social activist Anna Hazare started his two-day consultations with all Political parties to evolve a consensus on the issue, an official said here Thursday. Arriving here from his village Ralegan-Siddhi, Hazare Wednesday night kick-started his tour by meeting Republican Party of India chief Ramdas Athawale here. Hazare Thursday morning will meet Maharashtra Congress chief Manikrao Thakre, Chief Minister Prithviraj...
More »Political competition for the greater good?-Raghav Gaiha & Shylashri Shankar
MGNREGA can only succeed if politics is taken seriously in the design of accountability mechanisms Does political competition enhance a poor person’s access to anti-poverty initiatives such as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA)? Just as some economists believe that competition is an effective way to improve management and productivity, in politics too, some hold that political competition is better than single-party monopoly, because it forces Political parties...
More »Justice for marginalised a neccessity to keep radicals away
-The Economic Times Last week's acquittal by the Patna High Court of all the accused in the Bathani Tola massacre of 1996 - in which 21 Dalits, including women and infants, were killed by members of an upper-caste/landlord militia called the Ranvir Sena, in this area of central Bihar - is shocking testimony to the ineptness, and worse, of the police and the administration in prosecuting the guilty. Given the fact that...
More »Anti-internet censorship protests gather steam-Jayadevan PK
BANGALORE: Protests against government's alleged attempt to govern the internet is gathering steam, with a public interest litigation in Kerala, a signature campaign and mass protests in Karnataka besides the political left throwing its weight behinds demand to withdraw the recently amended laws. The new rules, adopted last year, regulates reader's comments on online articles, user-posted videos, blogs, photos and posts on online social networks such as Facebook or Orkut. Opponents...
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