-The Hindu The social audit meeting of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), held at Shettihalli in Hassan taluk on Friday, was marked by allegations of corruption against officers and heated exchange of words between residents and elected representatives. A few residents, allegedly in an inebriated state, constantly disrupted the meeting, forcing officials to take repeated breaks at the meeting. The meeting was organised as part of a social audit...
More cases of 'wilful' default on bank loans by farmers
-Reuters SUPALI: Two years ago, Vilas Yelmar took out a 200,000 rupee ($3,610) bank loan to develop a small grape orchard in a dusty hamlet southeast of Mumbai. The bank has repeatedly asked for the loan to be repaid, but Yelmar, whose annual income has risen to 2 million rupees, has spent the money on a new sport utility vehicle and a lavish family wedding. He is one of an increasing number...
More »Petrol price: Oil firms, govt play politics at consumers' cost-Sanjay Dutta
State-run fuel retailers don't tire of flashing their "autonomy" to justify raising petrol price. But when it came to a reduction on Thursday, they suddenly appeared to have developed political bones: the three oil marketers firms hastily pulled back plans to cut price by Rs 1.60 or so, excluding taxes, to prevent the opposition from taking credit. The retailers had raised petrol price by Rs 6.28, excluding taxes, on May 23....
More »‘India’s media is the strength of the EC’-SY Quraishi
From filling in voter information gaps to catching improprieties, the media has helped keep elections fair and transparent Our knowledge and awareness of the world today is largely determined by what the media decides to inform us. The priorities that the media sets often become the priorities of the public. In our country, the Executive, the legislature and the judiciary are strongly complemented by the media. No one could vouch for...
More »RTI made easy: Government to set up call centres, website for filing applications
Soon, anyone would be able to file an RTI application over the phone, with help and guidance from a call centre as well as through a website While the government is consistently blamed for diluting the RTI (Right to Information) Act in several ways besides making illogical amendments at the state level, it is gearing up to make filing of RTI applications by just making a phone call. Citizens will not...
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