Tamil Nadu offers maximum economic Freedom and Bihar the least among 20 of India's big states, according to a study released on Tuesday. The Economic Freedom of the States in India 2011 ranked the states based on the extent of wealth, administrative and social parameters in 2009. The USbased Cato Institute published the rankings in association with Indicus Analytics and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Both the states retained their positions...
Bloggers up against restrictions by Vasudha Venugopal
Amendment is aimed at ‘intermediaries,' but it will end up targeting bloggers The draft proposal to amend the Indian IT Act so as to impose restrictions on intermediaries has provoked a huge outcry in the country, especially among its vocal bloggers. While the proposed rules seek to control the ‘intermediaries' such as telecom networks, web-hosting sites and Internet service providers, search engines, online payment, cyber cafes and auction sites, it is the...
More »Plan to muzzle bloggers sparks outcry by Atul Thakur
A government proposal seeking to police blogs has come in for severe criticism from legal experts and outraged the online community. The draft rules, drawn up by the government under the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008, deal with due diligence to be observed by an intermediary. Under the Act, an 'intermediary' is defined as any entity which on behalf of another receives, stores or transmits any electronic record. Hence, telecom networks,...
More »Bloggers call content regulation a gag on Freedom by Srividya Iyer
A proposed government move to regulate content on blogs has ignited a firestorm of protest from the blogging community which is accusing the government of restricting free speech and acting like the guardians of a police state. At the heart of the issue is the Indian IT Act which was amended in 2008 to incorporate the much-needed changes to clarify the legal position of intermediaries or those who provide web-hosting...
More »“See all children as equals to actualise their rights” by Aarti Dhar
The four years of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) have shown that it is possible to fight all forms of violence against children including child labour, corporal punishment, child abuse and discrimination. Speaking at the fourth foundation day celebrations here on Saturday, NCPCR chairperson Shantha Sinha said moving away from a welfare approach to a rights-based perspective had been the first important step. “To actualise rights of...
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