-The Hindu The challenges for the success of Ayushman Bharat are more than just at the financial and infrastructural level On September 24, the government launched the grand government-funded healthcare scheme, the Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY). While some see its ambitious goals as its main strength, others are sceptical given the inadequate funding for the scheme, the weak infrastructure of primary health care centres, and the time required for...
Almost Rs 4,000 Crore Spent, but the Ganga Is More Polluted Under Modi's Watch -Dheeraj MIShra
-TheWire.in The Narendra Modi government has initiated many projects to clean up the Ganga, but pollution has increased at several sites where the river's water is monitored. The water is not fit for drinking, bathing or domestic purposes. Professor G.D. Agarwal, the prominent environmentalist who spent several years for the cause of cleaning up river Ganga, passed away on October 11. He had been on a fast for 112 days. Professor Agarwal...
More »Not enough jobs, private investments MISsing: What's wrong with the world's fastest growing economy? -Dinesh Unnikrishnan
-Firstpost.com A report from rating agency CARE, released early this week, revealed that India's employment scenario is not looking good. It said job growth in corporate India moderated to 3.8 percent in fiscal year 2018, from 4.2 percent in the previous fiscal and the problem is most severe with smaller companies. The report, based on an analysis of over 1,600 corporates, said smaller companies with net sales of less than Rs...
More »Eco-friendly farmers in 'model' Punjab village don't burn crop stubble, plough it back to soil -Manish Sirhindi
-The Times of India PATIALA: When smoke from burning paddy stubble was choking Delhi last year, one small village near Nabha in Punjab was doing its bit to keep the air clean. Not a straw was burnt in Kalar Majra, where 60 families farm about 700 acres. “The government chose our village as a model, and gave all the machinery needed to manage the crop residue,” says Bir Dalvinder Singh, a Kalar...
More »Top-Level Exits at NSDC as Modi's Skill India Agenda Still Struggles to Make Headway -Anuj Srivas
-TheWire.in The exits of COO Jayant Krishna and CPO Vishal Sharma come as 'Skill India' has to reckon with the fact that its targets were over-ambitious and its implementation not solid enough. New Delhi: Two senior executives of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) have left the organisation, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter, in a development that comes even as India struggles with its MISsion to skill...
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