-The Hindu Government sources told The Hindu that at PDS packaging centres, new unbranded bags were being replaced with used ones. Jute bags meant for packaging of foodgrains under the Public Distribution System (PDS) allegedly provided their manufacturers — in league with some officials of procuring State government agencies, quality insurance inspectors and middlemen — an opportunity to siphon off thousands of crores in government revenue. So serious is the scam that the...
Inclusive Media – UNDP Fellowships 2015
Inclusive Media for Change invites applications from media persons in English and Hindi for Inclusive Media - UNDP Fellowships 2015. The Fellowships are given to increase and sharpen media coverage of rural distress/ development and the issues of the marginalized people. The fellowships are aimed at promoting democratic social change, particularly through empowerment, participation, good governance and better understanding about media and the marginalised. The ideal candidates would be willing to...
More »Whitefly destroys 2/3rd of Punjab's cotton crop, 15 farmers commit suicide -Subodh Varma & Amit Bhattacharya
-The Times of India BATHINDA: "It was just like the Japanese air strike in the film, Pearl Harbour," said Naresh Kumar Lehri, a seed and pesticide dealer at Singho village in Punjab's Bathinda district. "They appeared out of nowhere and left a trail of destruction." Lehri was referring to the devastating attack by whitefly, a common pest, on the cotton crop in Punjab's Malwa region this year. It has affected about two-thirds...
More »LPG subsidy transfer: Centre’s savings not more than Rs 143 cr, while it claims Rs 12,700 cr -Udit Misra
-The Indian Express The NDA initially reintroduced DBT for LPG in 54 districts in mid-November 2014, with nationwide roll out to all districts from January 2015. A study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) states that the government’s claims of savings due to a shift towards direct benefit transfer (DBT) for LPG (also called PAHAL) are “large overestimates”. IISD has shown that as against the publicly touted figure of...
More »High value transactions by politicians under FIU scanner -Appu Esthose Suresh
-The Indian Express The FIU generated 17 suspicious transaction Reports (STRs) related to PEPs in the last one year. The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has stepped up its surveillance on high value transactions by politicians, senior bureaucrats and their immediate relatives who fall under the “politically exposed persons” (PEP) category. According to sources, the FIU generated 17 suspicious transaction Reports (STRs) related to PEPs in the last one year. All these cases...
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