-The Indian Express After Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were withdrawn from the system in November 2016, currency with the public, which stood at Rs 17.97 lakh crore on November 4, 2016, declined to Rs 7.8 lakh crore in January 2017 soon after demonetisation. Four years after the government announced demonetisation on November 8, 2016, the currency with public for the fortnight ended October 23, 2020 stood at a record high...
COVID-19, climate and carbon neutrality -Jairam Ramesh
-The Hindu In the post-COVID-19 world, we should make efforts to ensure that the ‘G’ in GDP is not ‘Gross’ but ‘Green’ History is divided into two periods: Before the Common Era or BCE and Common Era or CE. But given our experience this year, BCE could well stand for Before the COVID-19 Epidemic and CE for the COVID-19 Epidemic. To say that 2020 has been cataclysmic is to state the obvious...
More »Unemployment scheme: Govt says claims through affidavit form no longer required -J Jagannath
-Livemint.com * Govt eases claim criteria for Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana, says claim can be submitted online along with scanned copies * However, if the documents are not uploaded at the time of online filing of the claim, claimant will submit the printout of the claim duly signed along with the required documents In order to simplify the process of claim, government on Sunday said claims through affidavit form are no longer...
More »Paris Accord: A race against the clock to keep the planet cool - G Ananthakrishnan
-The Hindu Joe Biden, who won the 2020 presidential race, could take the U.S. back to the leadership position in the fight against climate change The U.S. could become the leader in the world’s quest to avert dangerous climate change under a Joe Biden presidency, marking a return to global cooperation and reversing President Donald Trump’s isolationist rejection of efforts to cut carbon emissions. On November 4, a year after serving notice, and...
More »A new market intelligence and price information for farm produce on anvil -TV Jayan
-The Hindu Business Line Farmers who would be selling their produce at farmgate under the recently-enacted Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion & Facilitation) Act 2020 will have real-time access to prevailing commodity prices through a market intelligence and price information system, which will be up and running soon, according to top Agriculture Ministry sources. One of the major contentions of a section of farmers protesting against the new farm legislations was...
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