-The Hindu Only 5.4 per cent has crossed higher secondary school stage The Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 (SECC) released on Friday has found that 36 per cent of the 884 million people in rural India are illiterate. This is higher than the 32 per cent recorded by the Census of India 2011. Of the 64 per cent literate rural Indians, a more than a fifth have not even completed primary school....
Of secrecy and stunting
-The Economist The government withholds a report on nutrition that contains valuable lessons A REMARKABLE story has been unfolding in the past decade in India. A new study—conducted by the government and the UN agency for children, Unicef—offers evidence of a steady and widespread fall in malnutrition. But the picture is still grim. Judged by measures such as the prevalence of “stunting” (when children are unusually short for their age) and “wasting”...
More »Kerala to start facility to produce varieties of fish products
-PTI KOCHI: Seeking to capitalise the huge demand for value-added fish products in the country, Kerala government will set up a fully mechanised manufacturing and processing facility with international standards to produce varieties of fish products. Minister for fisheries, ports and excise K Babu today said a detailed project report had been prepared and submitted to the National Fisheries Board. "The new unit will increase the production capacity from 5 tonnes to 15...
More »Pursuing zero hunger -Varun Gandhi
-Asian Age Children born in India are, on average, shorter than those born in sub-Saharan Africa. Even worse, 255 million Indians remain food insecure, eating less than 2,100 calories daily. Jharkhand reports the lowest per capita calorie intake (1,900 Kcal) in rural areas, while West Bengal hovers similarly (1,851 Kcal) in urban areas. We have attempted to meet this challenge through legislation. Aside from the Right to Food Bill, the landmark...
More »Midday meals fail Quality check, many kids left out
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Two decades after launch, implementation of the midday meal scheme in Delhi seems to suffer from teething problems. CAG says the scheme is still not reaching all the children it's meant to cover, the meals do not meet the minimum Quality requirements, the monitoring system is weak and service providers remain empanelled despite defaulting. Worryingly, some of the lacunae had been pointed out even in 2006,...
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