-Medianama.com Twitter has complied with government requests to censor 52 tweets that mostly criticised India’s handling of the second surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. These tweets, which are now inaccessible to Indian users of the social media website, include posts by Revanth Reddy, a sitting Member of Parliament; Moloy Ghatak, a West Bengal state minister; actor Vineet Kumar Singh; and two filmmakers, Vinod Kapri and Avinash Das. MediaNama has seen public disclosures...
‘Prevent Further Loss’: An Urgent Appeal to the Health Minister by Public Health Practitioners -Sarojini Nadimpally and others
-Science.thewire.in Dear Dr Harsh Vardhan, The ongoing second wave of COVID-19 in India with over 3.32 lakh new cases counted in the last 24 hours is extremely concerning and demands imperative and urgent action. This is necessary in the immediate term as well as through longer term preparedness to mitigate the current medical and humanitarian crisis and to prevent its further escalation. We, concerned public health practitioners urgently request the Government of India...
More »Are we listening to the lessons taught in the first year of Covid-19? -Ashish Kothari
-The Indian Express The pandemic revealed the precarious state of India’s informal sector. Localised production, trade and markets offer a better alternative to existing paradigm of development. Another wave of COVID, another round of lockdowns, another long journey back home for migrant workers. If there is one lesson we are learning after a year of COVID-19, it is that we have not learnt any lessons, at least not the crucial ones. 2020 exposed...
More »How China contained virus: There are lessons for India in its centralised planning, local action -Shruti Jargad
-The Indian Express The central leadership led by President Xi was quick in acknowledging this effort of the “first line of defence”. It made provisions for the benefit of the workers like subsidies, provision of health equipment, insurance, publicity, and other institutional support. In his address to the nation on April 20, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made exhortations for the youth to form small committees to ensure adherence to COVID-19 restrictions. He...
More »Centre tells UTs to gear up for three weeks
-The Hindu Health, Home dept. officials told of surge in cases, shortage of facilities. Centre has informed all the eight Union Territories that the next three weeks were crucial. The UT administrations including the Delhi Government “were advised to plan in advance for three weeks.” Delhi raised the issue of shortage of beds at a meeting held by the Union Secretaries of Home and Health to review the status of COVID-19 management in...
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