-The Indian Express The CBI, in its probe report before the Supreme Court, has indicted the Centre over "massive irregularities and illegalities" in coal block allocation and alleged lack of cooperation by the Coal Ministry. In its latest status report on the probe, the CBI informed a Bench led by Justice R M Lodha that there were various "serious" breaches in the manner the screening committee examined the applications for allocation of...
The Political Economy of Shadow Finance in West Bengal-Subhanil Chowdhury
-Economic and Political Weekly The Saradha group's collapse has possibly bankrupted lakhs of small investors robbing them of their life svaings, and has rendered thousands of its agents jobless. The scam highlights the failure of the government and its regulatory agencies to reign in the mushrooming chit fund companies in West Bengal. It also brings under the scanner the Trinamool Congress' proximity with the tainted group. In the wake of the...
More »Coalgate: You don't need to take instructions from political masters, SC to CBI
-The Indian Express In a big embarrassment to the government in the Coalgate case, the Supreme Court today termed as 'very disturbing' the CBI affidavit on sharing its report with the Law Minister and others and slammed the agency for having kept the court in the dark on the issue. Hearing the coal blocks allocation scam case in a packed courtroom, the bench said 'suppression' of the fact that CBI has...
More »Vetting of coal report: Top govt law officers indulge in blame game ahead of SC hearing -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India Less than 24 hours before the Supreme Court takes up the coal scam hearing on Tuesday, a blame game broke out within the government over who was responsible for incorrectly telling the court that the CBI had not shared the contents of its status report on " Coalgate" with the political executive. In a four-page letter to attorney general Goolam Vahanvati, additional solicitor general Harin Raval said he...
More »Law mooted to curb misuse of SC/ST funds-Divya Trivedi
-The Hindu To bridge the gap in development between the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and non-SCs and STs, a coalition of more than 150 organisations is demanding a national law to prevent, once and for all, the diversion, non-release, non-implementation and lapsing of the Special Component Plans for SCs/STs. In response to the coalition's longstanding demands, the National Advisory Council's guidance and the letter Sonia Gandhi wrote to the Prime Minister...
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