-The Hindu The Left parties have decided to observe September 12 as Food Security Day across the country and their general secretaries will write to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, demanding amendments to the Food Security Bill. This was decided on the concluding day of the parties’ sit-in in support of a comprehensive Food Security Bill here on Friday. The the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the Communist Party of India, the All...
Identity of a recurring conflict-Sanjay Barbora
-The Hindu Political mobilisation along ethnic lines has played a dominant role in reinforcing group differences in Assam, with blatant disregard for the present realities of its demography For the people of Assam, the last few weeks have brought misery upon misery. No sooner had they begun to recover from the floods, than came the riots that have rendered thousands homeless in the Boro Territorial Autonomous District (BTAD). The violence has not...
More »Left parties begin sit-in for universal PDS-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Entire concept of APL and BPL population needs to be scrapped, says Karat The Left parties began here on Monday a five-day sit-in against price rise and to demand the right to food through a universal public distribution system (PDS). Addressing the participants, who had come from Haryana and Delhi, Communist Party of India (Marxist) general secretary Prakash Karat said the government’s thrust should be on giving people access to cheap...
More »Unfair contract
-The Business Standard Hiring contract labour must come with more commitments Almost a third of India’s organised labour force is on contract. This is an inevitable consequence of archaic labour laws that make it impossible for India Inc to disengage permanent workers even if they can’t afford them, don’t need them or they don’t perform. Companies such as Maruti Suzuki India have thus used contract workers liberally — almost half the workers...
More »UN official calls on academics to step up their efforts to fight hunger
-The United Nations A United Nations top official today called on academics to get involved in essential research to help reduce rural poverty and assist small-scale farmers as part of the global fight against hunger. “One of the great challenges we have today is to use academic knowledge to understand and improve the life of rural populations throughout the world,” said the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), José Graziano...
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