-Outlook The Supreme Court today said the CBI is free to proceed with its investigation against Anil Kumar, Secretary of an NGO, Telecom Watchdog, for allegedly interfering with the probe in the 2G spectrum case by giving a "virtual clean chit" to former Telecom Minister Dayanidhi Maran. The apex court termed as "highly improper" the conduct of Kumar whose NGO filed a joint petition with others against Maran and subsequently writing a...
The roots of poverty: Ruinous healthcare costs-Anirudh Krishna
-Live Mint While natural disasters grab our attention, everyday events like illness drag most people into poverty In a small town of Gujarat, I met Chandibai, a woman, about 50 years of age. Fifteen years previously, her husband, Gokalji, had owned a general-purpose shop in the town centre. The family also owned a house and some agricultural land. In 1989, Gokalji developed an illness that confined him to bed, sometimes at home...
More »Make Audit of Party Funds Mandatory: SY Quraishi
-Outlook Former Chief Election Commissioner S Y Quraishi has proposed mandatory annual audit of funds and donations received by political parties. "We want all political funding should be transparent and checked. There should be annual compulsory audits by an independent auditor to be picked up from a panel suggested by the Election Commission," Quraishi told PTI. He said the report of such audit should be put in the public domain. "Everybody will be able...
More »No place for Dayamani -Aritra Bhattacharya
-The Hoot A significant agitation against land acquisition and the bail and re-arrest of its leader were barely noticed by mainstream media. Isn’t it the media’s disdain for lower caste/class dissenters, wonders ARITRA BHATTACHARYA. I remember my first glimpse of Dayamani Barla: there she was on the screen, fierce, stoic, talking about the ravages the Koel Karo dam and hydel power project would bring to the people of the region. I remember...
More »India Puts GM Food Crops Under Microscope-Ranjit Devraj
-IPS News Environmental activists are cautiously optimistic that a call by a court-appointed technical committee for a ten-year moratorium on open field trials of genetically modified (GM) crops will shelve plans to introduce bio-engineered foods in this largely agricultural country. “We are now waiting to see whether the Supreme Court will accept the recommendations of its own committee at the next hearing on Oct. 29,” said Devinder Sharma, chairman of the Forum...
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