-The Hindu Court was hearing a challenge to Maratha reservation law New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday was urged to set up a 11-judge Bench to reconsider its 50% cap on reservation. The push for it came while the court was hearing a challenge to the Maratha reservation law. A bunch of petitions contended that the law, which provides 12 to 13 per cent quota for the community in Maharashtra, breached the...
Delhi: Teacher Selected for National Award Awaits Last 2 Months’ Salaries -Ronak Chhabra
-Newsclick.in “Timely salary payments for our labour is not merely a demand, but a right of the employees. It is outrageous to not clear the dues on time,” said the 47-year old Surendra Singh, a primary teacher at an NDMC-run school in Delhi. A primary teacher at a North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) run schools, who is to be accorded with the annual national teachers’ award later this year, is among the...
More »Study on climate underlines need to change cropping pattern -R Krishna Kumar
-The Hindu Current method is based on pre-1960s rainfall data, says expert; report also calls for changes in agro plans owing to shift in rainfall and temperature variation A recent analysis of the last 58 years’ (1960 to 2017) weather data of Karnataka has indicated a considerable shift in rainfall pattern in the State, which has a bearing on agriculture and water security. It calls for changes in the present cropping pattern and...
More »MGNREGA average income doubled in April-July -Elizabeth Roche
-Livemint.com The April-July period typically sees 25% greater work execution (in terms of person-days) under the scheme compared with the rest of the fiscal, thereby aiding rural income, the Crisil report said The average income per person per month under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) doubled to ₹1,000 in the first four months of this fiscal from ₹509 in the previous year, ratings and research agency Crisil said...
More »Not possible to fully block Chinese companies, say officials -Dinakar Peri
-The Hindu “While some measures can be taken, several Chinese investments are quite substantive. It is not possible to fully block them. A worrisome factor is that these Chinese companies have linkages of some sort with the Chinese military,” one government official said on condition of anonymity. Despite the uproar against the use of Chinese products amid the standoff on the border in eastern Ladakh and the government’s decision to ban several...
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