-Tehelka Prime Minister announced increase in quantum of compensation for crop damage to affected farmers by 50 per cent. Showering a bright hope to small entrepreneur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) bank under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana which will provide credit up to 10 lakh to small entrepreneur and act as a regulator for ‘Micro-Finance Institutions' (MFIs). The prime minister also announced increase in...
Eye on pvt sector, Kejri says buses not govt's job -Rumu Banerjee
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: At a time when NGT-as well as Supreme Court-has been emphasizing the need for a robust public transport system to rein in the rising pollution as well as the number of private vehicles on city roads, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal feels running buses is not the government's job. Kejriwal, who was speaking at an event organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) on Tuesday, said:...
More »Farm to Plate: How safe is your food? -Priyamvada Kowshik
-India Today "The butterflies will show you the way to the farm." Farmer Sunil Gupta is not talking of mythical butterflies that will appear to guide me to the organic farm I am trying to locate amidst swathes of farmland, some lush with the standing paddy, some damaged in parts from last week's strong winds, others dotted with vegetable patches or freshly ploughed for the next crop. Can one tell an organic...
More »Delhi air pollution case: From an ‘innocuous petition’ to NGT's ban -Darpan Singh
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: During his routine morning jogs, Vardhaman Kaushik often felt his stamina was going down. The young environment lawyer choked on what he felt was highly toxic air. In February 2014, he moved the National Green Tribunal (NGT) for relief. He didn't expect his ‘innocuous petition' will escalate to the level it now has, and result in a ban for all petrol vehicles older than 15 years and diesel...
More »Sex ratio kills honeymoon dream in Gujarat -Himanshu Kaushik & Bharat Yagnik
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD/GANDHINAGAR: PM Narendra Modi may be the most famous 'bachelor' from Gujarat, but the state is home to 6.29 lakh unheralded men above 30 and 40 years who are unmarried - according to Census 2011. And the majority of them are not single by choice. The number is a manifestation of the skewed sex ratio in Gujarat, which has 919 women per 1,000 men and only 886 girls...
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