-The Indian Express The data was shared with Rajya Sabha Friday by Raosaheb Patil Danve, Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, who gave a written reply to an unstarred question. The number of wheat farmers who availed the minimum support price (MSP) has doubled in the last five years, while the number of such paddy farmers has increased by 70 per cent during the same period, according to...
Techies and teachers take white-collar hit -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph 32.6% of the 18.1 million jobs in the country were lost in four months India witnessed the erosion of nearly a third of its white-collar jobs between May and August, with professionals like software engineers, teachers, accountants and analysts taking the biggest hit, a survey by a data agency has shown. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy has found that 5.9 million (32.6 per cent) of the 18.1 million white-collar jobs...
More »Compared to other South Asian countries, India fares poorly in terms of food and nutrition security, indicates SOFI 2020 report
In his Mann ki Baat speech delivered on 30th August, 2020, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi said that the month of September 2020 will be observed as Nutrition Month (POSHAN Maah) in the entire nation. In his address to the nation on that day, he highlighted that for children to be well-nourished, the mother should receive proper and adequate nutrition. In this context, it is important to discuss the 11 different...
More »Covid report card: India’s daily death count is now the highest, beating US and Brazil -Annapurani V
-The Hindu Business Line But the nation compares well with the global pandemic hotspots on several other parameters The number of Covid-19 cases in the country has crossed 52 lakh and India’s tally is now the highest in the world after the US. While the number is large, many of the cases are asymptomatic and 77 per cent of the patients have recovered completely. The number of Covid-19 deaths per day is more...
More »Job data hard to gulp? Shut eyes -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy has estimated the loss of 21 million salaried jobs between April and August, weeks after suggesting that 18.9 million salaried jobs were lost between April and July The Centre has said it does not accept survey data provided by “non-government agencies”, the assertion coming at a time independent agencies have reported enormous job losses in the country while the government has sat tight on...
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