-The Hindu Chennai: For the past two months, farmers of five blocks in Tiruvallur have been working hard to double the output of pulses in the district. The farmers of Minjur, Cholavaram, Gummidipoondi, Ellapuram and Tiruvallur blocks have brought more land under rice fallow-crop cultivation. In this method, seeds of pulses, including green gram, are sown a few days before the paddy harvest and the seeds germinate due to the little moisture...
Karnataka bans Bt cotton seeds following large-scale crop failures-Aparna Pallavi
-Down to Earth seed company, Mahyco, offered Rs 10 crore compensation to farmers when losses were to the tune of Rs 230 crore It is finally out in the open. Bt cotton has failed miserably to deliver in Karnataka. Following large-scale crop failure on a whopping 58,195 hectares (ha) in seven districts in the state, the state agriculture department has finally taken the decision to bar Maharashtra Hybrid seeds Company (Mahyco) from...
More »Farmers of Andhra Pradesh release their agenda for 2014 elections-M Suchitra
-Down to Earth Demand income security and sustainability, and redressal of grievances relating to land matters which they say are the biggest source of corruption and mis-governance The apathy of successive governments of Andhra Pradesh towards the deepening agrarian crisis has resulted in farmers groups organising themselves to put pressure on political parties during election time. The Rythu Swarajya Vedika, an umbrella organisation of various farmers' groups and non-profits working in the...
More »Music-making shells-Amrita Ghosh
-The Telegraph Bottle gourd shells, used to make traditional musical instruments like sitar and tanpura, are no longer grown by the farmers in Howrah, reports Amrita Ghosh West Bengal: Its not without reason that "shader lau..." is the most popular folk song in parts of rural Bengal, including Howrah. "Lau" or bottle gourd, as the folk song goes, turns a man into a vagrant as he eats its base and its top...
More »'Haryana govt siphoned off farm subsidies' -Robin David
-The Times of India CHANDIGARH: The Congress government in Haryana will soon have to return crores of rupees to the Centre after the parliamentary standing committee on agriculture has found truth in IAS officer Ashok Khemka's allegations that farmer subsidies had been misappropriated. The committee, headed by CPM MP Basudeb Acharia, has 31 MPs, including Jyoti Mirdha, sister-in-law of Rohtak MP Deepender Hooda. Deepender is son of Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Hooda...
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