-The Hindu The Centre’s coercive method has worked. Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the two States that were holding out against pressure from New Delhi to implement the National Food Security Act (NFSA), have also fallen in line. By threatening to raise the price at which it was allocating foodgrains if they did not implement the law, the Centre has managed to get these two States to agree to the implementation of the Act...
Crop devastation: After whitefly, brown plant hopper turns nemesis for Punjab's farmers -Anju Agnihotri Chaba
-The Indian Express Paddy growers in the poll-bound state suffer huge losses from unanticipated insect pest attack. Jalandhar: For Punjab’s farmers, fortune always seems to smile on the other side. Last year, it was the whitefly sucking pest that ravaged their cotton crop. This time round, it’s the brown plant hopper (BPH) that has caused significant yield and price realisation losses for paddy grown in large swathes of the state. And there...
More »Policy disaster -Reetika Khera
-Frontline.in The PDS, the ICDS and the MDM schemes constitute lifelines for a vast majority of the population. Maternity entitlements need to be seen both as a right for women and as instruments in the battle against undernutrition. A government that ignores or undermines them does so at its own peril. THE GLOBAL HUNGER INDEX 2016 puts India at 97 out of 118 countries. The release of these numbers is great...
More »Enrolment to engineering courses dips over stagnant job market -Neelam Pandey
-Hindustan Times Engineering appears to be losing its attraction as a top career option among Indians. The number of students getting admitted to government and private engineering colleges and institutes — excluding IITs and NITs — is recording a steady decline, by at least 100,000 in the past two years. Barely half of the number of seats across the country got filled last year. The All-India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) discussed the worrying...
More »Move over, Kerala! J&K has the highest life expectancy in India
-IANS Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has surpassed Kerala as the state with the highest life expectancy in India for all ages, barring life expectancy at birth, according to data released on October 19, 2016, by the Registrar General of India (RGI). The RGI publishes state level life expectancy-defined as the estimate of the average number of additional years that a person of a given age can expect to live -- data for...
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