Expressing concern over the agrarian crisis leading to farmers' suicides in the country, Rajya Sabha members on Thursday sought a special seven-day session to discuss the issue in depth. Initiating a short-duration discussion on the agrarian crisis, BJP leader M. Venkaiah Naidu sought the special session to discuss the situation and find solutions. Mr. Naidu said that while the economy was growing at 7-8 percent, the farm growth was only around...
Tribal Education Loan Scheme
-Press Information Bureau The National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC) has launched an Education Loan Scheme for students belonging to scheduled Tribes in the country in the month of November, 2011. The requirement for availing benefits of the scheme are that the annual family income of the Scheduled Tribe candidate shall be upto double the poverty line and the candidate is willing to pursue technical/professional education, including Ph.D. in...
More »Death as a way out by Jayati Ghosh
It is clearly the absence of political will rather than a paucity of ideas that is responsible for the country's agrarian crisis. EXACTLY seven years ago this month, the Commission on Farmers' Welfare, appointed by the government of Andhra Pradesh, submitted its report to the then Chief Minister, Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy. His Congress government assumed office earlier that year replacing the Telegu Desam Party regime led by N. Chandrababu Naidu, which...
More »Environmental hazard: Goa’s 750 mt dumps by Ruchira Singh
Dumps trickle into the rivers and occasionally collapse, flooding homes and fields with muddy water The reddish hills dot large tracts of the Goan landscape—mounds of waste soil and other debris that have been left behind after iron ore was dug out from some 95 mines. Accumulating since the 1960s, the dumps, as they are known, are estimated at 750 million tonnes (mt) and consist of top soil, mud and iron...
More »Now, a green cess on petrol, cars? by Mahendra Kumar Singh
Buying and running cars and two-wheelers could soon become a costly affair with a Planning Commission working group suggesting a green surcharge of Rs 2 on every litre of petrol, a green cess of 3% of the annual insured value of all private vehicles and a steep urban transport tax to be collected at the time of purchase of private vehicles. The panel, headed by Delhi Metro chief E Sreedharan, has...
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