-Down to Earth Experience shows free medicines help more, say some experts Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan announced on Wednesday that his government will launch the National Health Assurance Mission in the current fiscal year. The idea, the minister said, is to "assure" every Indian citizen with appropriate health care. Speaking at the 8th Health Insurance Summit, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), he said everyone should have access to...
Will PepsiCo food replace hot, cooked mid day meals in schools? -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Secretary for food processing denies any knowledge of Harsimrat Kaur Badal speaking to PepsiCo's Indra Nooyi to provide processed food under nutrition scheme for school children Media reports about the government holding talks with the multi-national beverage company, PepsiCo, to provide processed food under the Mid Day Meal scheme, has angered food rights and child rights activists. They are planning to organise protests against any such move. The reports followed...
More »Ashok Gulati, former chairman of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, and at present chair professor agriculture, the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, speaks with Sandip Das
-The Financial Express From allocating extra foodgrains to states as a means to fight the price rise to setting up a high-level committee to recommend measures for restructuring the Food Corporation of India (FCI), the government has taken various steps for cutting down food subsidy and curbing further spike in agricultural commodity prices. From allocating extra foodgrains to states as a means to fight the price rise to setting up a high-level...
More »Nothing to plough back -Devinder Sharma
-DNA The aim is to drive farmers out of agriculture and turn food production into industrial enterprise Some years ago, former President APJ Abdul Kalam was addressing students at an annual event organised by K Govindacharya's Bhartiya Swabhiman Andolan at Gulbarga in Karnataka. He exhorted students to work hard, educate themselves to become doctors, engineers, civil servants, scientists, economists and entrepreneurs. After he had ended his talk, a young student got...
More »Dropping Out for a Drop of Water -Kishore Jha
-Economic and Political Weekly The relationship between depleting water levels and school dropout rates is poorly studied. As chronic water shortages begin to affect more regions of the country, this trend will begin to appear more forcefully. Kishore Jha (kishor.delhi6@gmail.com) is working on child rights with Terre des Homes, Germany. Devender, a 14-year-old boy from Kheeda village in Almora district in Uttarakhand State, studies in Class 8. He spends at least three hours...
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