The arrest of Suresh Kalmadi on 25 April marked yet another scene in the prolonged drama surrounding the Commonwealth Games held in Delhi in October 2010. Yet the general media focus on Kalmadi may have served to distract attention from the many other acts of omission and commission that mark the sordid history of that extravagantly planned and deeply flawed public show. In these other actions, there are stories of funds...
NGOs express concern over declining sex ratio by Aarti Dhar
Child sex-ratio dropped to 914 in 2011 from 927 in 2001 Call for better implementation of PCPNDT Act Expressing concern over the declining child sex ratio as indicated in the provisional figures of the Census 2011, civil society groups have asked the Centre to take cognisance of the increasing challenges in this area of sex selection and undertake urgent measures to overcome these. As per the figures, the child sex-ratio has further dropped...
More »Sex ratio, patriarchy, and ethics by KS Jacob
Patriarchal societies are part of the problem of altered sex ratios, female infanticide and foeticide. This needs to be acknowledged and changed. India's sex ratio, among children aged 0-6 years, is alarming. The ratio has declined from 976 females (for every 1000 males) in 1961 to 914 in 2011. Every national census has documented a decline in the ratio, signalling a ubiquitous trend. Preliminary data from the 2011 census have recorded...
More »NAC's Communal Violence Bill draft ready by Smita Gupta
Final draft bill on website within a week for public comments NAC hopes Bill will create a “robust accountability system” Government will be obliged to lay down national standards for all provisions for victims After several extensions, and a controversy over the exit of members of its drafting and advisory committees, the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC)'s draft Communal & Sectarian Violence Bill is finally ready: it will be presented on Thursday...
More »India puts tight leash on internet free speech
Free speech advocates and Internet users are protesting new Indian regulations restricting Web content that, among other things, can be considered "disparaging," "harassing," "blasphemous" or "hateful." The new rules, quietly issued by the country's Department of Information Technology earlier this month and only now attracting attention, allow officials and private citizens to demand that Internet sites and service providers remove content they consider objectionable on the basis of a long list...
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