Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has urged Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to route Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) wage payments through bank accounts, doing away with the practice of cash payment to workers. In a letter to Ms. Jayalalithaa, he said Tamil Nadu could become a trend-setter in seamless transfer of funds through bank and postal accounts of workers and thereby deepen financial inclusion in the...
NREGA Lines Pockets. Not of the Poor by Abhishek Bhalla
JANGU, 40, a Dalit labourer in Paraspur village in Gonda district, 120 km northeast of Lucknow, displays his job card in complete disbelief. “My job card was made three years ago and shows three payments. But I was never given any work, so how was the payment made?” he asks, puzzled. The first entry shows a payment of Rs 1,400 but he received a paltry Rs 100. He never went...
More »RTI has become meaningless in the state, Macha Leima claims
-Imphal Free Press Macha Leima has charged that the RTI act has become meaningless and the state government has failed to implement the flagship programs of the centre in totality in the state. A press release by T Demona, coordinator of Macha Leima has stated that the act has been pivotal in bringing transparency in the workings of the government. Yet, the commission has remained defunct as the Chief Information Commissioner...
More »Huguette Labelle, chairperson of transparency International interviewed by ET
India has scored 3.1 (down from 3.3 last year) on a scale - where 10 indicates very clean and zero, highly corrupt - of Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The CPI focuses on corruption in the public sector, involving public officials, civil servants or politicians. The data sources used to compile the index include questions relating to the abuse of power and bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, embezzlement of...
More »Food security caps stay by Basant Kumar Mohanty
Up to three-fourths of villagers and half of city dwellers will be entitled to subsidised food grains under a new bill, with the Centre refusing to budge on the volume of grain entitlement and continuing with upper limits for beneficiaries. The National Food Security Bill, redrafted on the basis of feedback from states and civil society groups, will soon be sent to the cabinet so that it can be introduced in...
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