-The Hindu Pandemic relief was to end in March 2022. The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday extended the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PM-GKAY) for another six months till September 2022. The scheme was originally introduced in April 2020 a month into the first lockdown during the initial onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be the sixth phase of PM-GKAY. The Phase-V of the scheme was...
Milletary Rule -Prasun Chaudhuri
-The Telegraph The story of a reversal that may yet rescue Indians from being hungry and undernourished I first tasted kodo, a coarse foodgrain, when I was barely seven. It was at the home of our Adivasi domestic help in Piska, a roadside railway station near Lohardaga in what was then southern Bihar. The porridge she cooked with kodo, jaggery and a bit of salt tasted much better than the gruel I...
More »India’s natural, organic farming strategy for rice and wheat -K Nagaiah, G Srimannarayana, and Phaniraj G
-Down to Earth This can help in targeting global export market, thereby feeding the world population and getting valuable foreign exchange for the country India is predominantly agrarian — 80 per cent of the population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. Rice and wheat are the staple for 90 per cent of the country’s people. Till the early 1960’s, the predominant mode of cultivation was what is now called “organic farming”, with...
More »As wheat prices soar, India could become Asia’s ‘food bowl’ -Subramani Ra Mancombu
-The Hindu Business Line APEDA in touch with countries, exporters to ship out requirements, says its chairman With wheat prices soaring to a record high of $13.50 a bushel (nearly $500 a tonne) on the Chicago Board of Trade on Friday, India is reaching out to exporters and countries that are looking for wheat supplies. In addition, it is also looking to supply other agricultural commodities such as corn (maize) and rice, which...
More »Cooking oil prices spike in India due to Russia-Ukraine crisis -B Krishna Mohan
-TelanganaToday.com Hyderabad: Prices of cooking oil are on an upwards spiral and have gained up to Rs 25 more per litre. The trade segments attribute the increase in prices to the tightening supplies of sunflower and safflower oils, both called as sun oils, to the Russia-Ukraine war. Also, palm oil imports are getting costlier due to the internal trade restrictions of Indonesia, the biggest producer of palm oil. On the other hand,...
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