-The Hindu The incident happened on November 18, but the local police lodged an FIR only on December 5 after a local MLA intervened on behalf of the parents Ghaziabad: The police have arrested the directors of two private schools in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh for allegedly molesting 17 minor girl Students who were asked to stay overnight on a school premises on the pretext of a practical exam. The incident allegedly...
India faces 'extreme pain', aspirations dashed: economist Abhijit Banerjee
-PTI/ Business Standard The Nobel laureate was sharing his observations from a recent visit to West Bengal. People in India are in "extreme pain" and the economy is still below the 2019 levels, with "small aspirations" of people becoming even smaller now, Nobel laureate economist Abhijit Banerjee has said. He was virtually addressing Students of the Ahmedabad University in Gujarat on Saturday night from the US during the varsity's 11th annual convocation which...
More »Why Millets in mid-day meal can be a political hot topic -Romita Datta
-IndiaToday.com In several states like Bengal, Assam and Odisha, rice is the staple diet On October 28, the Centre proposed millets be introduced in mid-day meals to tackle the growing problem of malnutrition among school Students. Though in the past, some of the non-BJP ruled states, like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, tried to be innovative with the menu, introducing eggs once or twice a week as protein substitutes to...
More »Anti-CAA protests gather fresh steam
-The Hindu Rollback of farm laws spurs groups in Assam, event planned on December 12. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement on repealing the three contentious farm laws has revived groups against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act in Assam with a protest planned on December 12. The CAA seeks to fast-track the granting of citizenship to non-Muslims who fled religious persecution in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan and took refuge in India till December 31, 2014. A...
More »School enrolment fell during pandemic: Annual Status of Education Report -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Yawning gap between States in access to online education, says the study. The percentage of rural children who were not enrolled in school doubled during the pandemic, with Government schools seeing an increase in enrolment at the expense of private schools, according to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2021. Over a third of children enrolled in Classes 1 and 2 have never attended school in person. However, enrolment does...
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