-The Times of India GHAZIABAD: In a function here on Monday, UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav distributed laptops to about 8,000 students from Ghaziabad and Noida in the presence of senior party leaders. The students belonged to the first batch shortlisted in the two districts-including 5,598 students from 10 Schools in Ghaziabad and 2,476 students from five Schools in Gautam Budh Nagar-for receiving free laptops as promised by the party. Akhilesh was...
UPA feels Red outreach initiatives haven't paid off
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Concern over the anti-Naxal policies not yielding desired results despite massive fund allocations and ambitious development schemes found voice at the meeting of the UPA coordination committee meeting on Monday. The discussion, held in the wake of a massacre of Congress leaders in Chhattisgarh on May 25, saw leaders pondering whether the government is getting it right in terms of its policy efforts and needs to...
More »Nearly 1,000 Haryana schoolgirls sexually abused
-Mail Today During interaction, about 1,000 girls disclosed that the people exploiting them sexually resorted to touching their private body parts. NEW DELHI: As the country has been raising a clamour to curb sex crimes against women, a large number of pre-teen girls studying in Haryana Schools have reported sexual harassment. The startling revelations have come to the fore through a survey conducted by teachers of government Schools in the state's Rewari district....
More »School for the blind achieves 100% results this year too -V Devanathan
-The Times of India MADURAI: While conventional Schools strive hard to produce 100% pass in state board examination, a special school for visually impaired children in Sundararajanpatti has produced centum results quite convincingly. This is not first time it has achieved this feat. It has been doing so for the last 18 years. In the SSLC examination results announced on Friday, all the 23 visually impaired students who appeared for the examination...
More »Delhi govt asked why EWS not given free textbooks
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Delhi high court on Wednesday sought a reply from Delhi government on a petition accusing it of failing to provide free books and uniforms to students belonging to economically weaker sections in unaided private Schools which is in violation of right to education. Issuing notice to the Delhi government and its education department, a division bench of Chief Justice D Murugesan and Justice Jayant Nath...
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