-PTI/ The Hindu SIT has assured that details of those giving information will not be revealed besides informers will be given due rewards. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case on Tuesday released pictures of six people standing near an SUV, which was set ablaze during the October 3 incident. It has assured that details of those giving information will not be revealed besides informers will be given due...
Water is not a commodity and financial asset to be exploited, says UN human rights expert
--Press release by Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights dated 20th October, 2021 GENEVA (20 October 2021) – Water is increasingly being treated as a mere commodity and even as a financial asset, a UN human rights expert told the UN General Assembly today, undermining the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation and the sustainability of the environment. Pedro Arrojo Agudo, the Special Rapporteur on the...
More »Easy Guide to Make Patients Aware of Their Rights -Richa Chintan
-Newsclick.in The book is a useful resource for patients, caregivers, activists and medical professionals in ensuring that patients’ rights are established and enforced as human rights. The right to health is not justiciable in India though the Supreme Court has interpreted it to be a part of Article 21 (protection of life and personal liberty). The apex court’s judgements and the legal provisions in Drugs and Cosmetic Act, 1940, Consumer Protection Act 1986,...
More »Dichotomy between Maoist surrender and rehab numbers -Ritesh Mishra
-Hindustan Times The process of rehabilitation by the government is meant to begin the day a Maoist surrenders, either to the state police, or administration or the central paramilitary forces that are posted in Chhattisgarh Raipur: Only 3% of Maoists that surrendered in Chhattisgarh in the past three years have passed muster of the state Screening and Rehabilitation Committee (SRC), which decides if those surrendering to the state are eligible for benefits...
More »"Chalo Delhi": Farmers Renew Protest Call Before Supreme Court Order -Mohammad Ghazali
-NDTV.com Earlier this month, the Supreme Court had said it would examine whether farmers have the right to take to the streets when the issue at the core of their protest - the three new farm laws - is in court. Chandigarh: Farmer groups protesting the new central laws near Delhi have called in for reinforcements ahead of a key Supreme Court hearing this week that may mean the end of their...
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