Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has imposed a gag on India’s poverty data, saying no information must go out until it is vetted by the Planning Commission. The gag order applies to all central ministries and departments and is apparently triggered by the embarrassment over multiple data on Indians falling under the socially damning Below Poverty Line (BPL). The official line is that the government wants to have uniformity on all data and...
Infrastructure push vital to achieve growth target by Sujay Mehdudia
Continued poor performance of some key infrastructure sectors cause for concern As India is on the path of achieving 8.5 per cent economic growth, aiming to exceed the 9 per cent growth mark next fiscal, the biggest worrying factor that could derail this horse power of growth and play spoilsport in the “growth story” of the UPA II government is the poor state of infrastructure and its tardy pace of development...
More »NAC pushing for its version of Food Security Bill by Smita Gupta
Union Food Ministry to convene consultation of its officials with NAC and EAC representatives Pressure from the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) on the new Union Food Minister, K.V. Thomas, to accept its recommendations rather than the watered down version of the Rangarajan panel, which was set up to examine the NAC's recommendations, appears to be working. Government sources told The Hindu that the Union Food Ministry is hoping to shortly...
More »Draft food bill near completion,to cover 70% population: Thomas
The government today said the draft Food Security Bill, which entitles nearly two-thirds of the population to subsidised foodgrains, was almost ready. The Bill will legally entitle up to 70% of population to subsidised foodgrains as against the NAC's proposal to cover 75%. "We are going to introduce the Food Security Bill, almost 65-70% of the population are going to get the benefit," Food Minister K V Thomas said at the National...
More »NREGA’s plan for 2011 is based on Gujarat’s watershed initiative
Small, marginal and those farmers living below poverty line (BPL) in Gujarat may get an opportunity to design solutions for their own plot of land. If everything goes right, Gujarat government, under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), has plans of taking each farmer's land as an individual project and give liberty to choose what they want to with it to earn livelihood under the scheme. This years' planning for...
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