-IBN In a major setback for the Uttar Pradesh government, the Allahabad High Court on Friday cancelled the land acquisition of three villages in Greater Noida. The land acquisition of Asadallapur, Devla and Saberi villages were cancelled by the court. As per the order, the farmers who have already taken the compensation, can return the amount and claim back their land. The farmers in the remaining 37 villages, where planning has already taken place,...
Noida land acquisition quashed, setback to Mayawati government by Atiq Khan
Court verdict, a relief to farmers in Gautam Buddha Nagar district In a setback to the Mayawati government and relief to farmers of Noida extension areas (Greater Noida) in Gautam Buddha Nagar district, the Allahabad High Court on Friday set aside land acquisition in three villages — Devla, Yusufpur Chaksahberi and Assadulapur — and ordered that an additional compensation of 64.70 per cent be paid to them. The farmers should also...
More »Justice for Vachathi by S Dorairaj
It has been a long and difficult road to justice for the tribal residents of this village in Tamil Nadu's Dharmapuri district The injustice done to the tribal people of India is a shameful chapter in our country's history. The tribals were called ‘rakshas' (demons), ‘asuras', and what not. They were slaughtered in large numbers, and the survivors and their descendants were degraded, humiliated, and all kinds of atrocities inflicted on...
More »Court seeks Bihar reply on ‘preferential' land allotments by Shoumojit Banerjee
To top bureaucrats, wards of Ministers The Patna High Court has ordered the Bihar Industrial Area Development Authority to reply immediately to petitions alleging preferential allocation of prime government land at sub-par rates to top-ranking bureaucrats and wards of Ministers in the Nitish Kumar government. A Division Bench of the Court comprising Justices T. Meena Kumari and Vikas Jain directed the Authority to answer the petitions filed by Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD)...
More »J&K approves amendments to Public Safety Act by Shujaat Bukhari
Act had been criticised for infringing on civil liberties, being arbitrary The Jammu and Kashmir government has approved amendments in the Public Safety Act (PSA), which had come under criticism for being arbitrary and infringing upon the civil liberties of the people. Official sources said that the amendments were approved during a Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah here on Wednesday. The amendment Bill, sources said, would prevent the slapping...
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