-IndiaToday.in Farmers from some parts of Tamil Nadu threw their tomato harvest on the roadside after the price of the crop fell to rates as low as Rs 2 per kilogram. Dharmapuri: After the price of tomatoes plummeted to figures as low as Rs 2 per kilogram, farmers from some parts of Tamil Nadu threw their harvest on the roadside or allowed it to rot in the field. Three months ago, the price...
It Takes a Village to Birth A Healthy Mom and Baby -Sreya Deb
-TheCitizen.in Improved antenatal care in Meghalaya A recent report submitted on March 20 to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) from the state of Meghalaya showed that 877 newborns, and 61 pregnant women died during the pandemic. The pregnant women decided against hospital delivery out of fear of contracting Covid. A decade ago, infant mortality in Meghalaya was the same as the all-India average, at 47 deaths per 1000 births. While it has...
More »Making groundwater visible -Srikumar Chattopadhyay
-The Hindu The existing approach of dealing with surface water and groundwater independently has severe limitations The theme of this year’s World Water Day (March 22) was ‘Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible’. The primary focus is to draw attention to the role of groundwater in water and sanitation systems, agriculture, industry, ecosystems, and climate change adaptation. Groundwater helps reduce the risk of temporary water shortage and caters to the needs of arid...
More »'Now or never’: Scientists warn window to avoid 1.5 degree C rise in temp closing, call for drastic action -Sibu Tripathi
-IndiaToday.in A report found that the world can afford to emit just 500 billion tonnes of CO2 from 2020 onwards. However, 50–80% of emissions from fossil fuels could still be avoided with currently available technologies, the report said. As the world suffers the catastrophic impact of climate change, scientists said that the window to avoid 1.5 degrees Celsius is fast closing unless drastic actions are taken. The Working Group-III of the Intergovernmental Panel...
More »Farmers may have to pay more for DAP, potash, complex fertilisers -Prabhudatta Mishra
-The Hindu Business Line Some manufacturers have hiked prices, others await clarity on the situation New Delhi: The fertiliser industry is not hopeful of an increase in subsidies from last year’s level for non-urea crop nutrients despite global prices shooting up sharply. Several companies have increased the maximum retail price (MRP) of fertilisers, while some others are waiting for clarity. The recent farmers’ movement and the farm leaders’ unsuccessful dabbling in electoral politics...
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