-The Hindu In a rather unusual move, the Railway Minister, P.K. Bansal, on Wednesday announced an across the board hike in passenger fares less than two months before he would be presenting the Railway Budget for 2013-14. The hike comes into effect from January 21. However, Mr. Bansal declared that there will be no further fare increase in the ensuing budget. The new hike will range from two paise per km on basic...
Delhi Rape: Govt Slammed for Ambulance Unavailability
-Outlook Inadequate infrastructure and lack of facilities at AIIMS today came under scanner of a Parliamentary panel which slammed the government for its "failure" to even provide for a state-of-the-art ambulance to Transport the Delhi gang-rape victim to the airport recently. Sources said members of the Parliamentary Committee on Health, in its meeting here, lamented that the government had to borrow an ambulance from a private hospital to Transport the girl to...
More »At call centres, women want to leave early. Or just leave -Alok Pandey and Ashish Mukherjee
-NDTV Insecurity is high and morale rock-bottom among women employees in Delhi and nearby Gurgaon, Noida and Faridabad after the brutal gang-rape of a 23-year-old medical student last month, shows a survey by trade and commerce body Assocham. Assocham or the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India did the survey in the National Capital Region and found the IT industry, especially call centres where women make up over half the...
More »Hike in diesel, cooking gas prices on anvil
-The Times of India Brace for higher fuel bills as the government has formally started the consultation process for raising diesel and cooking gas prices - the latter with an increased annual cap of nine subsidized refills - in line with the recommendations of a finance ministry panel. The committee under former bureaucrat Vijay Kelkar, tasked to suggest a roadmap for cutting fiscal deficit, has suggested raising diesel price periodically to align...
More »Task force set up to review women’s safety in Delhi-Rahul Tripathi
-The Indian Express Amid criticism of the government and the police following the gangrape of the 23-year-old who died on Saturday, the Centre on Tuesday announced a 13-member special task force headed by Union Home Secretary R K Singh to look at “safety issues” of women in the city and “review the functioning” of the Delhi Police on a regular basis. According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs,...
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