Banning of future trading of essential commodities is recommended by Working Group on Consumer Affairs. Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday, submitted the report prepared by the group to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh which also included other suggestions to tackle inflation. Unlike the usual practice of voluminous reports, the committee submitted to the PM a precise document with 20 recommendations and 64 detailed actionable points. Besides ban on future trading,...
Centre slashes MEP for onions by 25% to $450
In a major relief to farmers and exporters, the Centre on Wednesday slashed the minimum export price (MEP) for onions by 25 per cent to $450 a tonne from $600. “Minimum Export Price of onions other than Bangalore Rose onions and Krishnapuram will be $450 per tonne freight on board,” Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) said in a notification. Last month, the government had lifted a ban on onion exports after...
More »For evergreen agriculture by S Mahendra Dev
This is a collection of 45 select articles written by M.S. Swaminathan over the past 20 years. Arranged in six sections, they cover ‘sustainable development in Indian agriculture', ‘technology and evergreen revolution', ‘sustainable food security', ‘agrarian crisis', ‘WTO and Indian farmers', and ‘shaping India's agricultural destiny'. As Jeffrey Sachs says in his foreword, Swaminathan had “recognised already in the early days of India's green revolution that the new breakthroughs could create...
More »Drug regulator cover on vaccine study aim by GS Mudur
India’s drug regulator has refused to disclose key information about a controversial government study that provided Indian girls a vaccine designed to protect them from cervical cancer, amplifying suspicions about the study’s objectives. The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has refused to release for public scrutiny the study’s protocols, which are expected to contain information about its purpose and methodology, a set of health activists said yesterday. The Union government had...
More »Ashok Gulati to head Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices by Prabha Jagannathan
Ashok Gulati, Director in Asia for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), was appointed Chairman of the Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices for the Ministry of Agriculture , Government of India. Based in New Delhi, he will be involved in developing appropriate price policy and marketing structures for major agricultural commodities in the country. Gulati’s appointment begins on March 1. Bart Minten will be acting director of the New...
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