-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Tuesday lifted the ban on tourist activities in core areas of tiger reserve forests. This follows Additional Solicitor-General Indira Jaising’s submission that on October 15 the government notified the revised guidelines for the 41 tiger reserves to be followed by States. A Bench of Justices A.K. Patnaik and Swatanter Kumar said: “This court passed an order on July 24 that till final guidelines are issued, core areas...
Prime Minister’s pitch sharpens the RTI divide-Pankaj Sharma
-DNA Dr Manmohan Singh rarely speaks his mind and when he speaks, people listen, as claimed by US president Barack Obama. But this time, a rather reserved-in-speech prime minister is at the receiving end for speaking his mind on the Right to Information (RTI) Act from various quarters. At a recent Convention of Central Information Commissioners, Singh cautioned against frivolous and vexatious use of the RTI. While the debate on the uses...
More »Because he says so
-The Indian Express For Kejriwal and his crew, political targets are guilty until proven guilty After launching a scorched-earth campaign against Law Minister Salman Khurshid, accusing his NGO of skimming off lakhs of rupees from funds for the disabled, and demanding nothing short of his immediate resignation, arrest and incarceration, Arvind Kejriwal has abruptly called off this round. His next event, a fresh set of “exposes”, has been set for October 17. For...
More »The recent spate of Haryana rapes shows up the callousness of politicians and law enforcers
-The Times of India The true worth of a modern nation lies in its treatment of women and children. Sadly, India still has a long way to go before it can measure up to such standards. The spate of recent rapes in Haryana of at least 15 women, including dalit teenage girls, has renewed focus on the inefficacy of the law and order machinery. In place of a policy of zero...
More »Khurshid denies charges, has spat with reporters
-The Times of India Union law minister Salman Khurshid on Sunday fiercely quarreled with reporters of a TV channel, disputing their claim that his NGO Zakir Hussain Memorial Trust had embezzled public funds meant for the disabled. The minister countered the allegation that his trust made fake claims of having organized camps for distribution of equipment among the differently abled. A spirited Khurshid, with wife Louise by his side, attributed motives to...
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