-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Thursday restored the right of complainant and survivor Zakia Jafri to access all documents related to the SIT investigation that were submitted to the Supreme Court between May 2010 and July-August 2011 to enable her to file her protest petition against the SIT's closure report exonerating Chief Minister Narendra Modi and 61 others. A three-Judge Bench of Justices P. Sathasivam, Aftab Alam and Ranjana Desai directed...
Forestland diversion for roads, railway lines made easy-Kumar Sambhav S
-Down to Earth MoEF waives requirement of obtaining gram sabha certificates for linear projects. Will it dilute forest rights of people? Gram sabhas or village councils will no longer have the power to reject building of roads, railways, transmission lines or other such linear projects. The Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF), on February 5, exempted developers of such projects from the requirement to obtain consent of the gram sabhas to...
More »A committee to ‘administer’ a ‘market price’ for gas-Sunjoy Joshi
-The Hindu In his article in The Hindu (editorial page, “Making a mockery of domestic gas pricing,” January 18, 2013, Surya P. Sethi attacks the gas pricing formula proposed by the Rangarajan Committee, curiously enough, for being based on numbers from foreign markets that do not reflect the supply, demand or cost of production in India. I say “curiously” because on the exact opposite side, domestic producers are also pillorying the committee’s...
More »Cell tower radiation: SC to hear plea against HC order banning towers from public-use buildings- Kalyan Parbat & Gulveen Aulakh
-The Economic Times Beginning today, the country's highest court will hear petitions filed by telecom-industry lobbies challenging a recent Rajasthan High Court order that directed telecom companies to remove cellphone towers from schools, hospitals, jails and heritage buildings in the state amid claims that tower radiation was harmful. Officials of two leading industry associations, representing mobile operators and telecom tower companies, feel the Supreme Court's verdict in the case could set...
More »The Riddles of Ashis Nandy by Vijay Prashad
-Counterpunch.org “The rearing and guiding of a civilization must depend upon its intellectual class.” BR Ambedkar, Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah, 1943, Delhi. I. Arrest. States are clumsy with their enormous power. When it suits the modern state, it uses it immense apparatus to constraint those who make claims upon it or who say things that denigrate this or that section of society. A college professor in West Bengal draws a cartoon of...
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